Privacy disclaimer
Having taken note of the information and the rights reserved to me regarding the processing of SPECIAL personal data pursuant to the
articles. 9 e 13 of Reg. U.E. 679/2016 (G.D.P.R.), to the processing of my personal data by the subjects indicated in the
aforementioned information, for the purposes indicated and within the limits set out therein.
For EU regulation 679/2016:
(FRTGNN45T03B756A) with headquarters in FRAZIONE FORNACE CROCICCHIO SS 230 NR 6, Formigiana (VC) who you can contact for
any issue concerning personal data to the address above or to the following email address
b) You are the interested party, and has the rights and obligations that we explain below.
1. Treatment
1.1. The Data Controller, whose data is indicated Point a, will process the Data according to the principles of lawfulness, correctness,
transparency, purpose and storage limitation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.
2. Purpose, Categories of Data and Legal Basis of Processing
2.1. The Data Controller carries out the Processing with the purpose:
a) fulfill, even before the conclusion of any contractual relationship, if requested by you, to the contract, o a
specific requests made by you (which, for example, to contact you to deliver the requested services/products, or for
inform you that the requested services/products are ready/available);
b) carry out obligations deriving from any contractual relationship
c) fulfill administrative obligations, accountants, financial, tax
d) fulfill any obligation established by law and/or an order from the Public Authority
e) possibly, to assert or defend a right in court
2.2. The Data Controller will process data in the following categories: name, surname, tax data, address, email address, number of
telephone (or other type of contact)
2.3. The legal bases of the Processing are as follows, divided by Data categories
a) Identification data: consent of the interested party and/or need to carry out the obligations referred to in the previous points 2.1 a-e
b) Tax data: need to carry out the obligations referred to in the previous points 2.1 c-e.
3. Methods of Treatment
3.1. The Data will come:
a) collected electronically and/or on paper
b) recorded in digital format on computers and/or kept in paper archives in the exclusive availability of the Data Controller
c) protected from modification risks , destruction, cancellation and unauthorized access through efficient security measures
logical character , physical and organizational
d) further processed, also in paper form, to the extent and within the time strictly necessary for execution
for the purposes indicated above
4. Communication to Recipients and Dissemination
4.1. The Data is possibly communicated to third party Recipients (including PA or Judicial Authority) only in size
strictly necessary in relation to the above purposes, or in any case only for the purposes of law or order
of the Authority.
4.2. The categories of Recipients are as follows
a) subjects necessary for the execution of activities connected and consequent to the execution of the Contract
b) Appointees and people authorized by the Owner who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation
of confidentiality (es. collaborators and employees of the Owner)
4.3. The Owner may also need to communicate Data to fulfill legal obligations or to comply with orders
coming from public authorities, including the judicial authority.
4.4. The Data will not be disclosed
5. Data Retention Period
5.1. The Data Controller retains his Data for the minimum time necessary to achieve the Purposes referred to in the point 2 e
in any case no later than fifteen years.
6. Nobligatory nature of the communication of the Data
6.1. Data communication is:
a) mandatory, regarding the execution of the contract or the fulfillment of legal obligations or orders of the Public
b) optional, with regards to any other services you may request.
7. Consequences of refusal to communicate the Data
7.1. In case of refusal to communicate any personal data necessary pursuant to the previous point 6.1 a), it will not be
possible to fulfill the contract
7.2. In case of refusal to communicate any personal data necessary pursuant to the previous point 6.1 b), could be
it may not be possible to carry out any other services you may have requested.
8. Rights of the interested party
8.1. The interested party has the right to:
a) access their Data held by the Data Controller
b) request rectification and/or cancellation (“oblivion”)
c) request the Limitation or object to the Processing
d) request data portability
e) lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority
8.2. The interested party also has the rights referred to in Articles 14 and following of the Regulation not expressly mentioned above.
(that is, to obtain confirmation of the existence of Data concerning him and their communication in an intelligible form,
indication of their origin, the identification details of the data controllers, transformation into anonymous form
of the Data or their blocking if processed in violation of the EU regulation 679/2016.
9.Proposal of complaint
The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data".